two books

wake robin
has produced a small edition
 carol blinn of warwick press
provided typographic expertise
and, let's be honest,
the encouragement for me to have
mark tomlinson
build two boxes for these books.
 each book now lives
in a lovely soft, barely gold box
with carol's title page and colophon--
 and are now, 
there are several gatefolds
so the book stands alone
as a map of my ecotone, new york's north country
plants, metals, fungi,
and mineral laden water.
(secrets and truths about here) 
 showing off the structure
and i show off the title on the box spine.
cave paper covers, 
presentation box by mark tomlinson,
typographic design by carol j blinn,
a plethora of ecoprinted arches velin (text wove) papers
 printed in the cold seasons before, 
bound in autumn of 2013,
and ready in june 2014.
part of the HORTUS SICCUS project
by me, 
velma bolyard.
two books.

thursday things

 boards for my little edition 
cut for me by bob
 my exemplar,
a tiny book, actually
 the laundry actually froze on the line
but i persevered! 
 one of hundreds of papers
 the boards after sanding 
and a little thingie from roz
for the closure
 three from this series
and this little mark 
makes me happy.