good fibrations

this is
genevieve nordmark's 12.
about dyeing cotton fiber sourced from firehose (see it in the background)
for papermaking.
theh natural dyes were
sourced from
i love hearing from folks in the paper world.
a couple of summers ago i met the amazing genevieve nordmark.
she had fallen in love. with handpapermaking.
 genevieve tried to make it up here to make plant papers...
and may still, hopefully.
she enrolled in a master's program at the esf at syracuse university
she's studying paper 
 she understands the chemistry and physics of fiber and paper.
having a tiny bit of exposure to the industrial side of papermaking
i can only begin to imagine how thoroughly she 
"gets paper".
 genevieve recently contacted me about conducting an interview.
(more about that later)
here's her latest blog post
 on the fiber wire 
about her experiments with natural dyeing on pulp
 and here, 
 here are some photos of the little book
an edition of six
 that she sent me.
 i love this book, and i love how her mind
organized this work
in a much more methodical and scientific way
than i would have. 
it is a 
a fine book.
i like looking through it, over and over, actually!
susan byrd's video of working the kozo into it's pre-spun stage
is visible on facebook
at the paper threads, yarns, and textiles place
in other paper/fiber news:
aimee lee is teaching a winter class at oberlin
she and i are planning to teach
fiber, paper, textile, book, spirit again this year
at the morgan conservarory. 
the dates aren't confirmed just yet.
melissa's show
is something i wish i could see. 
she's been exploring milkweed in a huge way.
it's been cold and wintry and snowy and north country wonderful
they call it lake effect 
big snows blowing off the great lakes
(in this case, lake ontario)
  it's time for a ski!

morgan magic

i love teaching at the morgan conservatory.
this place makes me happy.
we made prints and then paper and thoroughly 
thoroughly enjoyed 
the process.

tomorrow: more prints on our paper, more paper, more prints.
10 hours, 14 students, we are something!
special thanks to tom, lauren, susan, 
and the interns:
this was the only time 
that i've taught papermaking 
and haven't prepared the pulp myself!