major puddling

i've had an interest in printmaking 
for a long time
the way ink and pressure bite into paper is delicious
and the way paper supports ink is, too...
but i know absolutely nothing about it.
 so, with kind directions
on the simplest of printing techniques 
i tried a little bit
 i wanted to try paper and cloth
but i couldn't find any printing ink
(though i have some) 
so i made some from paint and wheat paste.
it was not terrifically successful
but then i tried that wheat paste and india ink
which was a bit better...
 anyway, i now have the vaguest idea
of what a monoprint is
and why i might find it useful
probably in a book.
i like the idea of words being almost but not quite unreadable
 busy getting some lokta ready
for kami-ito
(doubling the use of shanna's nifty weights as hand cushions)
three or four full sheets, 
which doesn't look like much 
 we had LOTS of needed rain
the land feels happy
 so do the birds
 opportunity presents
 a lovely driveway puddle
friend robin spends some moments
cleaning up.
i'm doing all kinds of cleaning up and out
emptying this old house of so much.
an artist's garage sale might be something of interest?
in any case,
there will be more trips to the transfer station.
or maybe i'll call the hauler.